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Client fees for ECEC and pre-primary education


Early childhood education and care fee limits will change from 1.8.2024

Customer fees for early childhood education and pre-primary education

040 1808476 phone service is open Mondays to Thursdays 9–11 a.m.

The client fees for municipal early childhood education and care are based on the Act on Client Fees in Early Childhood Education and Care (1503/2016). The client fee is determined by the size of the family, the need for service as well the gross income. The guardian must report his income information to Early Childhood Education's customer fees within one month of the start of early childhood education or when his income changes.

Reporting income information

Client fees for ECEC as of 1st August 2024

Monthly fees for early childhood education

  • For one child attending early childhood education and care, up to311 euros.
  • For a second child attending early childhood education and care, 40 % of the fee, up to 124 euros 
  • The fee for any subsequent children is 20 per cent of the fee assessed for the youngest child in the family.
  • The lowest monthly fee is 30 euros. For families in the lowest income category, no fee will be collected.
  • If the child attends early childhood education and care on a part-time basis, the fee will be reduced compared to the full-time fee.
  • The client fee for a service voucher daycare centre is made up of the service voucher’s copayment as well as any additional fee a private daycare centre may choose to levy. The copayments are determined according to the same criteria as client fees in municipally provided early childhood education and care. More detailed information on the conditions of the customer fee for a service voucher daycare centre can be found in the service agreement with the daycare centre. 
Income limits 1.8.2024
size, persons Income limit €/month Income limit for the lowest chargeable fee Fee 311€, income more than €/month
2 4 066 4 346 6 968
3 5 245 5 525 8 147
4 5 956 6 236 8 858
5 6 667 6 947 9 569
6 7 376 7 656 10 278

The income limit for a family with more than six members will increase by 275 euros for each subsequent child.

If the decision determining the fee is based on incorrect or incomplete information provided by the child's parents or other custodians, the fee may be corrected retroactively for a maximum period of one year.

(Act on Client Fees in Early Childhood Education 1503/2016, Section 12)

Estimating the full-time early childhood education fee for the youngest child using an income threshold table:
the monthly (gross) income of the family is reduced by the figure corresponding to the family size in the income threshold table in the column "Income limit €/month". From the difference, a percentage of 10.7% (0.107) is calculated. The contribution is rounded to the nearest euro.

Income limits 1.3.2023
size, persons Income limit €/month Income limit for the lowest chargeable fee Fee 295€, income more than €/month
2 3 874 4 136 6 626
3 4 998 5 260 7 750
4 5 675 5 937 8 427
5 6 353 6 615 9 105
6 7 028 7 290 9 780
Updated 22.7.2024