Contact us
In general, the e-mail addresses of the employees of the City of Tampere are in the form [email protected]. Please note that we do not recommend sending confidential or sensitive information such as your personal identity code or bank account number by e-mail or an unprotected online form. For more information, see the page Data protection and information management.
You can find the contact details for different units on the Organisation page.
Contact the city's service and info points for more information.
City switchboard
telephone: 03 565 611
Tampere City Central Office Building
Central Office Building is closed from 1.4.2023 due to the renovation. Please, contact Tampereen Palvelupiste, Frenckellinaukio 2 B.
Registry office of the City of Tampere
Fault reports
- Report a fault in the water distribution and sewage system to Tampere Water.
- Report a fault in the distribution of electricity, district heating and natural gas to Tampereen Energia.
- Report issues with outdoor lighting in Tampere to Tampere service point or on the outdoor lighting faults online-service (in Finnish).
General emergency number 112
Call the general emergency number in emergencies and when you urgently need help from the authorities (e.g. accident, need an ambulance, fire, need rescue, crime).
Main image of the page: Marko Kallio / Skyfox