Please use the form below to send feedback to the City of Tampere: Suggestions, opinions, positive and negative feedback.
If your feedback relates to the topics listed below, please submit your feedback via their direct feedback channels:
Street lights - Issues with outdoor lighting (in Finnish)
Maintenance of public areas like streets and parks - Feedback on the maintenance of public areas (in Finnish)
Maintenance of the city's properties - Feedback to Tampereen Tilapalvelut (in Finnish)
Public transport - Feedback to Tampere Regional Transport Nysse
Social and health services - Feedback to Wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa
All feedback is processed. Feedback received by the city using the feedback form below will be forwarded to the relevant department. Feedback is processed during office hours.
You can submit your feedback anonymously. Please leave your contact details if you’d like to get a reply.
You can also submit feedback by e-mail to palaute(at)
Give feedback
Main photo of the page: Marko Kallio / Skyfox