Gyms and outdoor fitness equipment


Tampere city gyms are located in swimming pools and sports halls. The gyms are open according to the opening hours of the sports venue in question. The age limit in Tampere city gyms is 15 years for public shifts.

Hervanta swimming pool gym is closed on Tuesdays from 8.15 am to 10.40 am, when it is reserved for exercise groups until 15 December 2024.  

Showing locations: 9

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Outdoor fitness equipment 

Several fitness stations with versatile outdoor fitness equipment are freely available round the year at sports venues around the city. You can use the equipment to improve your muscular fitness, balance and flexibility. The equipment is easy to use and suitable for people of all ages and sizes. There are no separate weights, as the machines operate with the user's body weight for resistance. Each piece of equipment has instructions for use.

Many parks also currently have fitness venues, including the versatile fitness areas in Ratina and Sorsapuisto. Fitness equipment can also be found in Väinö Linna park in Amuri. Most of the equipment in Jurvalanpuisto fitness park in Rahola is suitable for older people. Norrköpinginpuisto in Nekala has also been renovated as a fitness park for older people.

Showing locations: 10

In List view you can search outdoor gyms by name and filter by area. In Map view you can search by address for the nearest gyms.

Tips for using outdoor fitness equipment

You can use the outdoor fitness equipment to give a nice boost to your walks, for instance. Repeat the movements described below in sets of 2-3 repetitions and take a break for 30-60 seconds between the sets. Listening to your own body, repeat 15-20 times. You get the best value out of the workout if you pace the sets correctly.

  1. Strength for the shoulders (dip): Grab the bars, lift your body up and slowly drop down, bending your elbows. Straighten your arms and push your body up again. This exercise strengthens your arm extensors and chest muscles.
  2. Swing your hips: Take a steady position. Start scissoring your legs rhythmically back to front. This exercise improves hip mobility.
  3. Get your shoulders moving: Sit down with your feet firmly on the ground, or straighten your legs. Take a firm grip on the handles. Pull your elbows down towards the ground and return to the initial position. This exercise strengthens the muscles of your upper back and improves your posture. If you keep your legs extended, it also strengthens your abs.
  4. Tone those arms: Sit down with your feet firmly on the ground, or lift your feet up and cross your legs. Straighten your arms and return slowly to the initial position. This exercise strengthens your arm extensors.
  5. Tone your buttocks and thighs: Sit down and plant your feet firmly on the foot rests a hip-width apart. Straighten your legs but allow your knees to stay slightly bent. The distance between your legs should stay the same all the time. Make sure that you do not turn your knees in. Return to the initial position. This exercise strengthens your thighs and glutes.
  6. Get rid of the love handles: Stand on the machine in a steady position. Swing your legs from side to side, making your sides crunch and do the work. Hold your upper body as still as possible. This exercise improves your mobility and the flexibility of your midriff. It also improves your balance.
  7. Hunt for the lost abs: Sit down firmly with your feet on the ground. Take a firm underarm grip of the bar and make a humble, polite bow forwards. This exercise strengthens your abs and the muscles of your midriff.
  8. Spin the wheel: Grasp the knob and turn the wheel in both directions. You can also turn the wheel with your right and left hand separately. This exercise improves the mobility and flexibility of your shoulder joint and the entire shoulder area.

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Updated 3.9.2024