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International Tampere
Tampere is a vibrant international city, a true hidden gem in Europe. World-class events, artists and architecture meet with distinctive local culture at the most wanted city for business, living, studying and tourism in Finland. - Here’s your inside guide to international Tampere.

The joint application process for studies after basic education begins on Tuesday 18 February 2025
| News itemAre you a young person finishing basic education in spring 2025 or their guardian? After basic education, a young person's compulsory education continues until the age of 18. All those under the age of 18 completing basic education this spring must apply for further studies before the end of grade 9. The joint application period for studies after basic education begins on Tuesday 18 February 2025 and ends on Tuesday 18 March 2025 at 15:00. -
Haihara's Art Friday is a time for community art and experimenting with new techniques
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Tampere Outdoor Swimming Pool named Water Sports Venue of the year 2024
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Homelessness increased in Tampere in 2024 – a joint project between the city and the wellbeing services county to eliminate long-term homelessness to be launched
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Tampere Participating in the UN International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Citiverse Development
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Name of Hatanpään lukio upper secondary school to change to Pyynikin lukio upper secondary school
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Welcome Home: Finland’s six largest cities invite recent arrivals to use integration services
| News item
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Tampere - City of Action
Tampere is known for its bold implementation and accomplishment of things and determined development. These are the roots of the City of Action. In the future, Tampere will work even harder for the equality, community, pioneering and more sustainable future of the residents.

See here for the nearest upcoming events. Events are available in the Tampere events calendar at Go to the events calendar to see all upcoming events and filter them in different ways. The City of Tampere is not responsible for events organised by other event organisers.
Babies' Day at the Tampere Art Museum
19.2.2025 10.00 | Tampere Art Museum, Puutarhakatu 34, 33230 Tampere -
Quiet afternoon in the Moomin Museum
19.2.2025 15.00 | Moomin Museum, Tampere Hall, Yliopistonkatu 55, 33100 Tampere, Finland -
Reading dogs in Hervanta Library
19.2.2025 18.00 | Hervannan kirjasto, Insinöörinkatu 38, 33720 Tampere -
MiB Mingle: Friendship Lunch
20.2.2025 11.00 | Hämeenkatu 14a, 33100 Tampere -
Sing-along events at Culture House Laikku
20.2.2025 16.15 | Kulttuuritalo Laikku, Musiikkisali, Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere -
Special screening: GIANT'S KETTLE
20.2.2025 17.00 | Kehräsaari B B, 33200 Tampere -
Tanssiteatteri MD: Aliveness
20.2.2025 18.00 | Hämeenkatu 25, 33200 Tampere -
Vocal group Siskot molemmin puolin at Bistro Vilja
20.2.2025 19.00 | Bistro Vilja, Hatanpään valtatie 40, 33900 Tampere -
Children's Stage: Charming flute juniors
21.2.2025 10.00 | Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere
Main photo of the page: Marko Kallio / Skyfox