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A sustainable future in early childhood education and preschool education

The measures taken to ensure a sustainable way of life and future arise from a variety of international and national strategies and commitments as well as municipal strategies. In addition, concepts and issues concerning a sustainable future are significantly outlined both in the national early childhood education and care core curriculum as well as the national pre-primary education core curriculum. A sustainable way of life is one of the core values of early childhood education and pre-primary education and thus a natural part of the culture of these institutions.

A sustainable future in the Tampere City Strategy

Provisions for work at the municipal level to promote sustainable development are laid down in the Local Government Act. It requires the municipality to promote not only the well-being of its inhabitants but also the sustainable development of its territory. Sustainable development at the municipal level is guided by Finland's sustainable development strategy as well as international strategies and commitments.

Plan for a sustainable future

The plan for a sustainable future is based on the City Strategy of Tampere, as well as the early childhood education and care curricula. The plan embodies an ecological, social, economic and cultural perspective. The early childhood education units each draw up their own plan. Current unit plans will cover the three-year period 2021-2024. The themes of this period will be biodiversity, children's rights and the Children's Rights Week, anti-racism and the Anti-Racism Week, as well as preventing food waste.

Updated 8.3.2023