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Prevention of bullying in early childhood education and preschool education

In early childhood education and care and preschool education, bullying prevention is work to support practice in and the development of children's social, emotional and interaction skills. 

In bullying prevention work, it is essential to support the children's peer relationships and to bolster group spirit and the well-being of the community so that no one feels excluded or bullied. 

"The children shall be protected from violence, bullying and other harassment."

Early Childhood Education and Care Act, Section 10

Plan for preventing bullying and intervening in it 

In Tampere, each early childhood education unit will draw up a plan for preventing bullying and intervening in it together with the children, guardians and personnel. Information will be collected from the guardians either through a questionnaire or through discussions to form the basis of the plan. The plan outlines the unit's own procedures for preventing bullying and for dealing with situations of bullying.  

Open interaction plays a key role. We learn to recognize and solve conflicts constructively with the children. Occasions of harassment, bullying or violence are discussed with the guardians of the children involved and solutions are sought together. 

Both the early childhood education unit's plan for the prevention of bullying and the school's corresponding plan are employed in pre-primary education anti-bullying work. 

"This culture supports open interaction between children, between children and staff, and among adults. Mutual respect, care, and a caring attitude toward others and the environment are reflected in all activities. Children are encouraged and guided to recognize, express, and regulate different emotions. Children are instructed to act with others in mind in various conflict situations."

The National Core Curriculum for Pre-Primary Education 2014

Updated 8.3.2023