- General grants for cultural institutions (not open application)
- General grants for festivals and large public events
- General grants for cultural and art communities
- General grants for organizations providing cultural leisure activities
- General grants for cultural minorities
- Project grants for culture
- Development grants for culture
- Personal grants for professional artists

Open grant applications:
Please note that some of the links will take you to pages in Finnish.
Project Grants for Community Activities
Project Grants for Youth Activities
Project Grants for New Leisure Activities
Project Grants for Vitality and Competitiveness
Tampere Regional Audiovisual Production Incentive
Tampere’s residents make the city what it is. The City of Tampere supports the sort of activity that makes it a more pleasant and community-oriented town.
The City of Tampere can issue grants for the kind of activity that is in the public interest, in line with the city’s values, promotes the implementation of strategic targets, and supplements the town’s own service provision.
A grant can be obtained for, among other things, regular association-based functions and the organisation of an individual event or project. The City also issues personal grants for the implementation of art or science. Financial aid can be obtained only for operations that comply with the City of Tampere’s general principles for grants.
The City of Tampere annually issues grants that together total approx. EUR 26 million for operations. The grants as well as their criteria for acceptance are listed below.
The grant application periods vary. They are explained on the general allocations and targeted grants pages.
Types of grants
The short address for this page is tampere.fi/en/grants