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Presentation of the Tasanne daycare centre

Tasanteen päiväkodin esittely. Lapsia metsässä.

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The Tasanne daycare centre was established in 1991. The daycare centre has 7 groups; three groups for children under 3 years of age, four groups for children between 3 and 5 years of age. In addition, there is a daycare centre in Olkahinen and two pre-school groups in the Olkahinen school.

What is the daily schedule at the nudaycare centre?

Meals determine the order of the day.

06.00-07.00 In the morning we meet in the Ihaat group in the Winnie the Pooh house.

07.00 Kaninkolo opens at 7.00. Meeting at the Ruut group premises.

07.30 All groups open.

08.00-08.30 Breakfast.

08.30-11.00 Small group activities; play, exercise, exploration, drama, music and art as planned indoors or outdoors.

11.00-12.00 Lunch.

12.00-14.00 Rest time, for the little ones it is two hours, for the big ones it is reading a book for about half an hour, listening to music and getting up to do quieter activities.

14.00-14.30 Snack. In the afternoon we also work in small groups.

15.00-17.00 Outdoor activities depending on the season and the weather. Every day we go out in the morning and afternoon.

How our daycare centre works

It is absolutely essential that you check in and out with the staff when you arrive and leave the daycare centre. The transfer of responsibility between parents and staff takes place at check-in.


Please inform the staff of your child's absence as early as possible.


To ensure the safety of the children, it is essential that the gates are kept locked. We ask parents to pay attention to this, even if there are no children in the playground at the time.

Opening hours

During school holidays, we either operate reduced hours or close the daycare centre. There are no pre-school and club activities during school holidays. We will carry out a childcare survey on on-call times, as we focus staff holidays around school holidays.

Cooperation with families

In early childhood education, childcare bookings, childcare hours and changes in childcare needs are reported in the eVaka application. Bookings must be made by Monday of the previous week. Meal orders are automatically processed according to the child's childcare reservations.

The cooperation between early childhood education and families is based on open interaction. Before starting, a separate care contract is drawn up for each child. Daily contacts and early childhood education discussions are the most important forms of cooperation. This discussion takes place every autumn with the guardians.

Updated 18.12.2023