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Licences, permits and plans

As soon as you start planning your event, you should find out which licences and permits you need. The permits needed depend on the event in question; but at least a land use permit or a permission to use the venue and a notice of public event to the police are mandatory for almost all events.

Some of the licences and permits of Finnish authorities are not available in English. If that is the case, you can contact the relevant authority or us at Tampere Event Services, tapahtumapalvelut (at) In many cases, you can give them the relevant information via email or in person.

The most common permits and licences for a public event are:

  • Land, venue, and street use permits
  • Notice of a public event
  • safety and emergency plan, safety document
  • Waste management plan
  • Permits for playing music and notification of noise
  • Licences for selling or serving food, alcohol or tobacco products

In addition to official licence, plans and permits, the people living in nearby buildings of any events that may cause noise or affect their walking or driving routes must be informed about the possible disturbances. Distribute notifications in nearby buildings and attach information bulletins around the venue in advance of your event. Include the name and contact information of the event organiser in the notifications.

As the organizer, you are responsible for all the permits. That includes making sure that all permits held by sub-contractors and vendors, are adequate and up to date. Organizing an event without the relevant permits is not allowed, and the authorities can discontinue any unauthorized events. When your licences and permits are in order, you are better protected in case anything happens.

Licences, permits and plans

Updated 2.7.2024