Event cabins and containers

Event cabins and containers are mainly rented for short-term event use. Priority is given to activities organised by the City of Tampere itself and to partners with whom the City has a cooperation agreement. Where possible, the cabins and containers can also be rented for other use that supports the City's strategic objectives and values. As a general rule, the cabins and containers will not be rented for long-term or other commercial activities. Exceptions are business activities related to entrepreneurial education or studies organised by educational institutions in Tampere.

To rent a cabin or a container, fill in the form linked below (in Finnish). Filling in the form does not guarantee you a cabin or a container, Tampere Event Services will check and confirm all bookings before they are final. The cabins and containers are subject to a fee.

All cabin bookings for the Tampere Christmas Market go through the organizer of the Christmas market.

Before filling in the form, please carefully read the rental conditions and technical info below.

Matilda Toriseva
Information on event cabins and containers
040 586 6453

Terms of use

  1. The event cabins and containers are rented by the City of Tampere Event Services. The cabins and containers are intended primarily for temporary event use.
  2.  The rent of cabins and containers is 60€ + VAT/unit/event, when the rental period lasts for a maximum of one week.
  3. The cabins are rented for the purpose specified by the customer in the booking form. If the purpose differs from that stated in the form, the City of Tampere has the right to terminate the lease without notice or change the rental fee.
  4. The cabins and containers are booked using an online form. Event Services will confirm all bookings before they take effect.
  5. Tampere Event Services must be notified of cancellations no later than one week before the start of the rental period.
  6. The customer can pick up the cabins or containers from Viinikankatu 42-46 in Nekala district in Tampere on weekdays from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. NOTE: Please contact Tampereen Sarka before picking up or returning your cabins/containers. Sarka's employee inspects the cabins/containers before and after the rental period. Sarka's contact person is Hannu Savolainen, foreman, tel. 0500 831 423. Sarka will also give you the keys to your cabin/container. Keys must be returned to Sarka upon returning the cabins/containers.
  7. The customer is responsible for arranging transportation for the cabin(s) and/or container(s) as well as all costs related to the transportation. The transportation must be carried out according to the instructions. A lifting fork is available at the warehouse in Nekala. If the customer fails to return the cabin(s) or container(s) on the agreed return date, the City of Tampere can order the transportation and add the cost of transportation and its arrangements to the rental invoice.
  8. The cabins and containers must be returned cleaned. The customer can also purchase a cleaning service from Tampere Sarka (see contact information above) in connection with the rental. If the cabin(s) and container(s) have not been cleaned before returning them, the city will have a cleaning fee added to the rental fee.
  9. The cabins and containers are rented as is, in the condition they are when the customer picks them up. If the customer discovers defects in the  cabin(s)/container(s), the defects must be reported immediately to Tampere Event Services.
  10. The cabins and containers must be returned in the same state they were when rented. If the cabins or containers are damaged during the rental period, all damages must be reported to Tampere Event Services and Tampereen Sarka. The city and the customer will together agree on how the damages will be repaired. If the cabins and/or containers are returned damaged without informing the city or Tampereen Sarka, the cost of repairs will be added to the rental fee.
  11. Cold counters are available upon request for type A and N cabins. If cold counters are needed, the customer is responsible for securing the counters during transportation. The counters should be fastened to the floor of the cabin with cargo straps.
  12. If cabin or container keys are lost or not returned, 50 euros per lost key will be added to the rental fee.
  13. No structural or surface alterations to cabins or containers are allowed. Attaching any shelving, posters, etc. must be discussed with Event Services in advance.
  14. The customer is responsible for the horizontal adjustment of the cabins/containers at the venue where the cabins or containers will be placed. The customer must also check the fastening of the cabin's shelves before using the cabin as the shelves may come loose during transportation.
  15. The customer is responsible for all permits (land use permit, notice of a public event, etc.) and ensures that they are in order before transporting the cabin(s)/container(s).
  16. The customer or a person representing the customer must be present at the venue upon delivery of the cabins/containers. The customer is responsible for marking a suitable site for the cabins/containers. The customer must ensure an adequate and safe location for the cabins/containers to be delivered to. It is recommended to mark the placement of the cabins/containers on the ground with either chalk or tape so that there is a clearly visible corner sign where the cabins(containers will be placed. The placement should be on level ground, with a height difference of no more than 15 cm over a distance of five meters. There must be no weight restrictions on the road leading to the venue (minimum weight of the combination 30,000 kg). The maximum height of the truck or combination vehicle delivering the cabin(s) must be 4.40 meters. The total length of the combination is either 10 meters or max. 21 meters.
  17. The cabins and containers are not equipped with electrical cables. Cables can either be purchased from electrical stores or rented from rental companies. Electrical cables must be properly protected.
  18. It is not recommended to keep money or valuables in the cabins or containers. The city of Tampere is not responsible for any property that is being kept in the cabins or containers by the customer or any property lost from the cabin during the rental period.
  19. Each party is entitled to compensation for direct damage caused by a breach of contract by the other party. Unless agreed otherwise in writing, the city's liability shall not exceed five (5) times the calculated value of the lease.
  20. Any disputes shall be settled by negotiation. If the parties are unable to solve any kind of dispute, it shall be exclusively referred to the Pirkanmaa District Court.
  21. These terms are valid until further notice.

Technical information

All cabins are equipped with the following:

  • electrical connection (32A three-phase current, "Power current")
  • electric heating
  • fixed interior lighting
  • removable shelves
  • lockable door
  • front hatches/sales windows
  • protective plexiglass in the sales window

All containers are equipped with:

  • electrical connection (32A three-phase current "Power current")
  • electric heating
  • fixed interior lighting 
  • sliding glass on one side (either half or full wall height, see technical details below for more detailed information on each container)

A temporary water tank or water connection can be ordered from Tampere Water, tel. 03 5656 3660.

Technical details

Updated 17.9.2024