Special diet provision in the services for children and adolescents within the City of Tampere

Meals provided during day care and at school and other educational institutions are designed to support the growth, development and healthy eating habits of children and pupils. If necessary, a child or a pupil will be offered a diet that is appropriate to their severe allergy or illness. The food may be different from the meals served to the others. Eating habits and possible dietary restrictions will be discussed during health examinations at maternity and child health clinics and in school and student health care. If necessary, the child or adolescent and their family will be instructed to contact their own treatment provider, who will draw up a special diet description. The guardian of a child, or a student of full age, is responsible for the accurateness of the dietary information presented.

How to inform the daycare centre, school or other educational institution of a special diet

Special diet form

A medical doctor or a nutritionist shall account for the special diet form for food allergies, medical conditions or other dietary abnormalities. For celiac disease and vegan diets, a statement from a nurse is sufficient. Lactose-free or other vegetarian diets need not be notified.

Health care services will make a report on an e-form, where you log in with a health and social services professional's card. In the case of health care, the e-form must also be printed out for the guardian or student to take with them.

In case of failing to log into the e-form, the pdf form below shall be filled in by a health care professional. The guardian, or the student who is of age, will then deliver the printed form to the daycare centre or to the school or educational institution and to the meal services

How to deliver the form on special dietary requirements

You should deliver the form to the daycare centre or school concerned as soon as you have been informed where your child will attend day care or school.

Daycare centres

The child’s guardian will receive a printed e-form from the health care services, to be taken to the personnel of the daycare centre.


The guardian or the pupil will receive a printed e-form from the health care services, to be delivered to the school personnel if necessary.

Vocational education institutions and general upper secondary school

The student will receive a printed e-form from the health care services, to be delivered to the kitchen of the educational institution concerned.

Meal services

Pirkanmaa Voimia Ltd will receive the special diet information through the electronic form filled in by the health care services. As for Vesilahti municipality and other meal service providers, the guardian or the student are in charge of delivering the printed special diet form to them.

Change of daycare centre or school

If a special diet is to be continued, the guardian should use the e-form below to inform the meal service of the name of the new daycare centre or school. This information is not passed on from the meal service to the daycare centre or school staff, so it is the responsibility of the guardian to ensure that the necessary information is held by the day care or school staff.

This method of notification only applies to places that are selectable on the form menu. In all other cases, the guardian will send a valid form to the meal service, the day care centre and the school.

Changes in special diet

If there are changes to the special diet, the guardian or the student shall request an updated special diet description from the treatment provider and deliver it to the daycare centre, school or educational institution. When a special diet is no longer needed, the guardian or the student shall directly inform the kitchen of the daycare centre, school or educational institution by e-mail.

In the case of an allergy diet, the guardian must inform the daycare centre or school kitchen by e-mail of the introduction of a new foodstuf. Contact information can be found on the website of the meal service provider. New foods to be avoided cannot be introduced without a special diet description.


Other things to observe

Milk substitutes

The meal service provides an infant formula for children under one year of age. Special substitutes for infants and other milk drinks must be bought by the guardian, who shall bring them to the daycare centre. 

Special preparations

If the child has an individual diet, it is the guardian who shall deliver the special preparations, such as nutritional supplement drinks and energy powders, to the kitchen of the daycare centre or the school. No medication therapy plan is used in such cases.

Bringing your own food 

If there is a justified reason for the child to bring a packed lunch, the guardian shall agree on the practical arrangements with the early childhood education and care personnel or the basic education staff. The food service is not responsible for storing or warming up packed lunches.

Convening an individual pupil or student welfare group

Convening an individual pupil welfare group may be considered in cases where there are uncertainties concerning a diet and the related procedures.

Diabetic snacks

Fruits, bread, yoghurt, milk or juice are offered for diabetics as a snack by the kitchen of the daycare centre, school or educational institution, according to the selection available. If required, the daycare centre or the school will purchase, via the meal service’s range of sales products, juice or glucose preparations (Siripiri®) in case for a sudden drop in your child’s blood sugar levels. Such products are only sold in full sales lots, and they will be invoiced to the orderer.

The short address for this page is tampere.fi/en/specialdiets

Updated 13.8.2024