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Tohloppi Daycare Centre

Tohloppi Daycare Centre

The Tohloppi Daycare Centre is located in a natural and sheltered location between Lamminpää and Tesoma. The beautiful and diverse nature surrounding the day care centre is used for child-oriented activities throughout the year. The daycare centre has three groups of children in premises located on the ground floor of an apartment building.

Suoniemenkatu 9 33310 Tampere
Päiväkodin johtaja 040 0299450 (phone, local/mobile network fee)

Hanna Palho
Daycare centre manager
040 029 9450
Mari Helin
Early childhood education and care assistant manager
040 620 8240
Mikael Syrjänen
Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (ECSET)
040 806 4053
Updated 4.12.2023