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Kissankulma Daycare Centre

Kissankulma Daycare Centre

Kissankulma daycare center offers early childhood education for 10 months. - for 6-year-old children. The daycare center has 35 care places. The daycare cente is located on the ground floor of an apartment building completed in 2011 and has its own playground. The nearby parks and forests are also part of the daycare center's play environment.

Ritakatu 9 33520 Tampere
Daycare centre manager 040 8062641 (phone, local/mobile network fee)

Raija Toikka
Daycare centre manager
040 806 2641
Mari Hirvonen
Early childhood education and care assistant manager
040 806 3303
Riitta Seppälä
Teacher in charge
040 806 2021
Updated 1.12.2023