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Etelä-Hervanta Daycare Centre

Etelä-Hervanta Daycare Centre

Our new daycare centre is part of the EHTA building (2023), which also houses the services of South Hervanta School, South Hervanta Oral Health and Voimia. Our daycare centre is located at the Insinöörinkatu side of the building, on two floors.

On the first floor of the centre are the home areas SATULEHTO where the groups Tammet and Lehmukset are located, and TAIKALEHTO, where the groups Poppelit and Vaahterat are located.

On the second floor of the daycare centre are the home areas HAVUMETSÄ where the groups Kuuset and Männyt are located, and LEHTIMETSÄ where the groups Koivut and Pihlajat are located. Our daycare centre provides early childhood education for around 200 children in eight groups in four home areas. Due to parents' work or studies, our daycare centre also offers early childhood education for children who need evening and weekend care Mon–Sun 5.30– 22.45.

In addition to the home areas, we have our own gym and shared multi-purpose facilities on both floors. The daycare centre's own large, pleasant courtyard and the nearby parks and forests invite the children to play and participate in outdoor education. Our activities are based around the home areas where everyday life runs smoothly in small groups.

Our core values are positive pedagogy, inclusion, quality everyday life and genuine interaction. In pedagogy, our desire is to discover the good in children and their qualities, reinforcing their strengths and supporting their needs. We walk alongside the child and his or her family, listening to their wishes and ideas for the good of the child. A child's inclusion is built on the experience of being important, meaningful and valuable in their own right.

A child's sense of security and trust in an adult comes from a clear and regular daily routine, enjoyable activities and play, and a genuinely present adult who is warm and caring. Security and trust also come from following agreed guidelines and boundaries.

Our work is based on the national early childhood education and care plan, including the three tiers of support. The child's support needs are discussed in cooperation with parents, early childhood education special needs teachers and other partners.

Mekaniikanpolku 9 33720 Tampere
Daycare centre manager 040 7388714 (phone, local/mobile network fee)

Marika Pihkanen
Daycare centre manager
040 738 8714
Minna Väisänen
Early childhood education and care assistant manager
040 764 2917
Kaisa Kuikka
Early childhood education and care assistant manager
040 531 1360
Johanna Mäkilä-Laine
Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (ECSET)
040 806 2944
Katri Kurri
Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (ECSET)
041 730 1547
Updated 25.3.2024