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Club attendance supported through service vouchers

The city provides service vouchers to support club activities organised by private service providers. These activities are an alternative to municipal day care and to the private daycare allowance. The family must opt for club activities that either are provided by the municipality or supported through service vouchers. You may not use both options at the same time.

The value of a service voucher for open early childhood education club activities is 180 euros/month. The voucher will paid directly to the service provider. No client fee is charged.

For whom is this club activity intended?

The club activities are intended for children who are in home care.

A child who participates in club activities is entitled to a statutory child home care allowance if the conditions for it are met.

The child may attend the activities for a maximum of three hours at a time, and no more than 12 times a month, as further agreed.

How to apply for a place in a club and for a service voucher

The family must apply for a place in a club directly from a service provider accredited by the municipality. You can apply for a service voucher once your child’s place in the club is has been confirmed.

Applying for a place and terminating it

When your child no longer wishes to participate in club activities, you should notify the termination to the city in writing.

Club activities by providers supported through service vouchers

Updated 20.6.2023