Takahuhti Daycare Centre
Takahuhti Daycare Centre
Takahuhti daycare centre is open to experimental and creative approaches that enrich experiential early childhood education of the daycare.
Daycare centre has two home areas for three groups, where joint activities are also planned between the groups. These two home areas are made up of groups of children aged 1-4 and groups of children aged 2-6.
Takahuhti daycare centre is part of the Luhtaa - Kissankulma - Takahuhti complex.
Hintsankatu 4
Daycare centre manager
040 8062641
(phone, local/mobile network fee)
[email protected]
Raija Toikka
Daycare centre managerPhone:
040 806 2641Mari Hirvonen
Early childhood education and care assistant managerPhone:
040 806 3303
Updated 4.12.2023