Participation in land use planning

Land use planning consists of several stages both at the master plan and zoning plan level. You can participate in land use planning in these different stages. Read on to learn more about the different stages of land use planning.  

The participation and evaluation plan for a land use plan describes the participation and interaction procedure that will be followed for the planning project. As the planning process progresses, the methods of participation can be increased and clarified.

During the display period, you can give an opinion on the initial phase and preparation phase materials on display. In the proposal phase, you can submit a objection during the display period. In addition, statements from the authorities and other parties concerned may be requested at different stages of the planning work.

Those involved in the planning work include landowners, the residents and neighbours for the area concerned as well as other persons, parties and actors whose housing, work or other living conditions may be affected by the planning outcome. These other actors may include entrepreneurs, resident associations and other communities. They also include authorities and communities whose fields of activity are affected by the land use planning. Information on these participants is recorded in the participation and evaluation plan included in the land use plan. It is also possible to register as a participant during the planning project.

The purpose of participation is to ensure that participants have the opportunity to participate in preparing the land use plan and assessing its impacts and the opportunity to express their views on the plans. The aim of participation is to identify the best planning solution in terms of its impacts and from the various perspectives of the different actors involved.

Updated 29.5.2022