Access rights for videos and streaming

Mies ja nainen esiintymässä käsissään nuket.

The Tampere Channel is an online service produced by the City of Tampere. The City of Tampere is responsible for the content, copyright, and other intellectual property rights of the material it produces.

The proprietary and intellectual property rights of the materials in the service (videos, streaming, information, and other data) belong to the authors of those materials.

The City of Tampere grants viewing and sharing rights for videos and live streaming on the web service to the user of the online service. However, videos may not be edited or distributed for commercial purposes.

The City of Tampere has the right to change these terms of use unilaterally. The changes will take effect when they are visible in the online service. The conditions of use shall indicate the date on which they were last amended.

Updated 10.8.2023