Koulukatu skating venue and artificial ice rink

The artificial ice venue in Koulukatu is available from November to March. If the weather conditions are doubtful and you do not know if the ice is in a usable condition, contact the venue directly to ask about the latest situation. The booking situation of Koulukatu rinks is also a good tool for keeping an eye on the up-to-date booking situation.
In addition, the rink maintenance information is updated in the Sports and outdoor exercise venue information service.
Skating venue and artificial ice rink
From November to March, Koulukatu field has an artificial ice rink for ice sports. It is mainly used by junior ice hockey players for training. Public skating slots are provided for skaters with and without ice hockey sticks. Before 4 p.m. on weekdays, slots are mainly only allocated to schools and day-care centres. Private individuals cannot book slots at the skating venues, but they can use the free public skating slots.
Summer season
In summer, Koulukatu field is used for basketball and women's gymnastics. Field No 2 is mainly available for free use. Field 1 has allocated bookings.
Check the booking situation from Timmi-booking system.