Early-stage integration services

Hämeenpuiston maisemakuva.

The early-stage integration services, also known as the KOTO-team, organizes the reception of refugees in Tampere. The KOTO-team supports their clients in settling into Tampere and Finland, and offers guidance on authority services in the early stages of the integration process. The goal of the KOTO team is to ensure the ease of the early stages of integration.

Clients of the early-stage integration services

The clients of the early-stage integration services are both adults and children whose municipality of residence is Tampere. The clients may come to Tampere as, for example, quota refugees, in need of urgent resettlement, or based on the family ties of a refugee. Those who have independently moved to Tampere from another municipality or reception centre during their integration period and who have come to Finland as quota refugees or received their residence permit because of international protection are also clients of the KOTO-services.



Further information

Heini Lehtokannas
Head of Services