Interlibrary loans


Interlibrary loans

You can place an interlibrary loan order personally in libraries or using the Webkake interlibrary loan system. In the system, you can also track the due dates of your interlibrary loans and make renewal requests yourself.

What can I order as an interlibrary loan? 

Material that is not available in the Tampere City Library's own collections can be ordered as an interlibrary loan. Books, newspapers and magazines, microfilm and microcards, audio and image recordings and photocopies of newspaper articles can be ordered as interlibrary loans. 

However, e-books or e-magazines are not available as interlibrary loans. Audiovisual material cannot be ordered from abroad. 

Interlibrary loans can only be picked up when staff are present so they cannot be picked up during self-service hours of libraries or in self-service libraries. 

Who can order?

A customer with a PIKI library card and loan right can place an interlibrary loan order. 

How do I place an order

An interlibrary loan order can be submitted in person in libraries, with a separate e-form or in the Webkake interlibrary loan management system.

What is the cost of the order? 

The price of the interlibrary loan order is €4. In addition, the fees of the library/archive that provided the loan are charged. 

When placing your order, you agree to pay all the costs of the loan. 

Orders to the Nordic countries cost €10 per order. In addition, a normal interlibrary service order fee is charged. 

Customers of Tampere City Library are not charged an interlibrary loan fee if the order is from the Multilingual Library. 

How soon will I receive my order? 

The material ordered as an interlibrary loan arrives on average in a week but it may take even months to receive the requested material. 

Can the interlibrary loan be renewed? 

You can enquire about the extension of the loan period by contacting the interlibrary loan service. 

Interlibrary loan service for libraries 

We send libraries material that is not included in their own collections. Interlibrary loan orders can be placed by e-mail. Libraries can also reserve material directly on the material register for on-loan material and material on the shelf. The pick-up location is Tampereen kaukopalvelu (only for libraries). No fees are charged for the loans. 

Contact information

e-mail [email protected]
phone 040 800 7827

Updated 17.7.2024