Mobile Libraries

Kirjastoauto Kosmos.

Mobile Libraries

Pirkankatu 2 33101 Tampere
040 8007835 (puhelin, pvm/mpm) toimisto 040 5587789 (puhelin, pvm/mpm) Kirjastoauto Kosmos 040 5586789 (puhelin, pvm/mpm) Kirjastoauto Kustaa

The mobile libraries in Tampere - Kosmos and Kustaa - are available to schools and day-care centres during the day and to all municipal residents in the evenings.

We aim to inform about any changes in the mobile libraries’ normal operation on the Tampere City Library website and on the mobile libraries’ Facebook page.

Schedules of mobile libraries

Mobile libraries on the map

Merita Ronkainen
Head of Services

Resources and reservations 

You can also check the availability information to see the resources of the mobile libraries in the PIKI online library. It is possible to reserve material. 

You can also select Kosmos or Kustaa as the pick-up location for reservations (even regional reservations). The staff at mobile libraries are happy to help you with reservations.


You can return resources you loaned from mobile libraries to other locations of the Tampere City Library free of charge. Materials loaned from other locations can also be returned to a mobile library free of charge. 

The short address for this page is

Updated 12.6.2023