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Integrated groups in pre-primary education

13 school pathways offer an integrated pre-primary education group in the school year 2022–2023. There are 19 integrated groups in Tampere altogether. An integrated pre-primary education group consists of six preschool pupils in need of intensified and/or special support and ten peer pupils for a total of 16 preschool pupils. 

General support is also rendered as necessary. Such groups generally employ four adults: two early childhood education teachers, a daycare nurse, and an assistant. The group personnel also closely collaborate with the special needs teacher for early childhood education. 

Integrated pre-primary education groups are regulated by the national pre-primary core curriculum, the City of Tampere pre-primary education curriculum, as well as the City of Tampere plan for support provision.  

Children who require intensified or special support may have a wide variety of needs, related to e.g. learning, language, behaviour, motor skills, hearing, or vision. Children are selected to join the group based on their growth, their learning pathway (i.e. “home address”) as well as their individual need for support. 

Updated 4.1.2023