The use of fireworks is banned in the Tampere city centre on New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve revellers are reminded that the use of fireworks is prohibited in the Tampere city centre on New Year's Eve. In the rest of Tampere, fireworks may be fired on New Year's Eve and New Year's night from 18-02.
The use of fireworks is generally allowed without notification to the rescue authority between 18:00 on 31.12.2024 and 02:00 on 1.1.2025. An exception to this is the Tampere city centre area, where the use of fireworks by private individuals is restricted by law to ensure public safety.
The use of fireworks is prohibited in Tampere city centre in the area bounded by the following streets: Kekkosentie - Kaleva Park Road - Viinikankatu - Tampereen valtatie - Jokikatu - Viinikanlahti - Eteläpuisto - Palomäentie - Näkötornintie - Vesilinnankatu - Paasikivenkatu - Kortelahti - Näsijärvi waterfront area - Kekkosentie.
The City of Tampere does not organise fireworks
The City of Tampere has not organised fireworks for the New Year, nor has it organised fireworks for Independence Day in recent years. Since the Corona years, the Independence Day fireworks have been replaced by winter illuminations of the buildings in the Keskustori, which will be visible daily from 16:00 to 20:00 until 6 January 2025.
Restaurant owners have traditionally organised New Year's Eve fireworks in the Ratina Swamp area of the city centre at 22:00 on New Year's Eve.