Exercise for seniors

On this site

We organise a wide range of physical activities for seniors. Classes are available for beginners and regular enthusiasts alike. You can choose the group that suits you best, depending on your level of fitness, health and previous experience. The use of an assistive device is not a barrier to participation. Your own assistant can join you if necessary. All classes have one thing in common: safe exercise in a supportive atmosphere, without forgetting recreation and making new friends. The aim is to maintain and improve musculoskeletal fitness, without forgetting recreation and making new friends. The instructors are professionals in the field of exercise. 

Easy and lightweight

This level of exercise is for you if you are looking for easy and light exercise in a safe, supervised group setting. All easy and light classes are also suitable for beginners. During the class, the instructor will give you options on the movements that are right for you. You can also use an assistive device or take an assistant with you. And of course, enjoy and have fun!

Brisk and varied

This level of exercise is for you if you want to improve your fitness with a variety of activities. Minor mobility limitations are no barrier to participating in brisk and varied classes, as long as you can perform the movements independently and safely, both standing and on the floor. You can be a beginner or a more experienced enthusiast, as the instructor will give you clear instructions from easy to more challenging movements.

Exhausting and effective

This level of exercise is for you if you are looking for a heart rate boost, increased muscle strength and mobility. This high intensity class is for you if you feel fit and can move smoothly at a brisk pace. You have previous experience of exercise, but no sporting background is required. The instructor will take new participants into account and provide alternative movements for newcomers.