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Home and school cooperation

FISTA Parents’ Association ry

FISTA Parents’ Association ry brings the school and families together with parties and other events. Together we organize the highlight of the year, the Halloween Party, with a spectacular disco, café, costume competition, horror rooms and raffles. 

We give the school financial support for small purchases during the school year, and we also support the students’ field trips. At the end of the school year we give students roses and small awards.

Our activities are financially supported by parents’ voluntary support fees, by bake sales, and by the City of Tampere.

FISTA Parents’ Association ry is a member of Tampereen Vanhemmat ry and the Finnish Parents’ League. 

We announce our events and activities via the Wilma system. You can also find us on Facebook at ParentsFista or email us at [email protected]. We welcome new members and new ideas!

Updated 17.1.2024