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Active Rellu

Tampereen lyseon lukion opiskelijoita.

Student body

Each student is a member of the student body. The student body has its autumn meeting in November or December. Then a new chairperson and representatives are elected to the student council by the students. The spring meeting is in April. All students have a duty to attend the annual meetings of the student body.

The student body is the channel through which students may influence the school. Its function is to develop the school in cooperation with the staff of the school.The student council takes part in planning the school’s operations, as well as in the self-evaluation of those operations. Influencing the school is a student’s legal right and duty.

The student body organises, among other events, the Christmas party, the Rellu-TYK match and activities day. It also recycles schoolbooks, organises school photographs and arranges school cafeteria turns for the groups.

Toveri e-zine

Founded in 1998, TOVERI is the online magazine of Tampereen lyseon lukio. The name is originally the old name of our school’s magazine from the early ears of Rellu.

You’re welcome to become a Toveri journalist. You can participate in course ÄI4 (Verkkojulkaisukurssi). The teacher in charge is Tomi Nordlund.


There are sports events, debate club, bands, choirs and an orchestra. Information about these can be found on the Wilma bulletin and by asking teachers. You can also make proposals for new clubs!


Vuokko is Rellu’s legendary nature club. Its activities include trips such as canoeing, lectures about nature, and also guaranteeing Vuokko’s financial independence, for example by organizing a cafeteria.

Vuokko offers its members unforgettable experiences, and the best of all, a joint budget. By taking part in this 100-year-old club you can gain one course, if you act as a contact person and/or in projects and by developing the school’s environmental profile. The course is assessed with a grade S.

Vuokko meets regularly. Follow the notice board on the second floor and join the fun activities.

Study trips

There are many study trips at Rellu both in Finland and abroad. During these trips school regulations and other instructions specific for that trip must be observed. Travel greetings can often be followed on Rellu's social media.


Tampereen lyseon lukio has many festivities and other events during the school year in cooperation with the student council. The events are organised during the school day in the places announced by the school.

Updated 2.6.2022