Children's Pirkkaset - Children's Culture Month

Children's Pirkkaset is a joint Children's Culture Month in the Municipalities of Pirkanmaa

During the month children's culture is visible and heard all over Pirkanmaa and the program offers cultural events, workshops, exhibitions and camps produced by private actors, colleges, cultural centers and municipalities.

The baby is waving a red circus scarf.
A little girl paints the wall with watercolor.
A child with paint on her fingers.
The Program is available on-site and virtually for Children ages 0-12 and their families.

Children's Pirkkaset - children's culture month conquers Pirkanmaa in February

Lasten Pirkkaset is a children's culture month of the municipalities of Pirkanmaa, during which children's culture can be seen and heard especially throughout Pirkanmaa. The month is celebrated from 1 to 29 February. with the theme "Fun with Letters" and the Touring Performer is Improvisation Theater Snorkkeli. The program is aimed at children aged 0-12 and their families.

The theme of 2024 "Fun with Letters" encourages both children and adults to play with words, invent stories and live in the world of fairy tales. Now is a good time to use your imagination and jump into the joy of reading! The inspiration for this year's theme came from the Kirsi Kunnas 100th anniversary year, in which Pirkkaset is also included in the program.

Pirkkasten's touring performer Improvisaatioteatteri Snorkkeli`s performance TosiSatu happily plays with words and letters. The show can be experienced in 23 shows in 13 different municipalities in Pirkanmaa. Snorkkeli is also celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.

The month's program includes dozens of interesting and inspiring cultural events, which have been produced by private operators, colleges, cultural centers and municipalities in Pirkanmaa. Please note that changes to the program are possible. Follow the event communication.

Children's Pirkkaset is designed and developed by the Pirkkaset working group, which is made up of the cultural representatives of the municipalities, and is coordinated by the city of Tampere.

Improvisation Theatre Snorkkeli is Children's Pirkkaset - Culture Month Traveling Performer in 2024

Improvisation theatre Snorkkeli and TosiSatu, a show that plays with words and letters, have been selected as the rotating performer of the Children's Pirkkaset cultural month. The show will tour in February 2024 in the municipalities of Pirkanmaa, delighting children and those who like children. TosiSatu happily implements Pirkkaset theme for 2024 "Fun with letters".

The traveling performer was applied for the first time through Pirkanmaa Kulttuuripanki. A total of 18 offers were received from different art forms and the selection was made by the regional Children's Pirkkaset working group.

three actors posing.

TosiSatu is a children's theatre show where the children decide on the story and its plot twists.

The children get to influence the course of the jointly conceived story at turning points that are essential for the story. So the decisions are not only about irrelevancies, such as what color shirt the boy has, etc. The story is genuinely created according to the children's decisions, without planning in advance. Only the structure of the presentation and the techniques to be used as well as the estimated duration have been planned in advance.

Various improvisation techniques and improvised music are used to construct the stories of the show.

Pirkkaset-Network shares Information about Children's Culture in Pirkanmaa

Pirkkanen is the joint children's culture network of the Pirkanmaa region which promotes children’s cultural activities in the area. The activities started in autumn 2002 in the form of a children's culture project, Pirkkanen, in the Pirkanmaa sub-region. Today, Pirkkanen is a network that already covers most of the municipalities in Pirkanmaa.  

The most visible activities of the network include the Children’s culture month, Pirkkaset, organised every February, and the Pirkkaset mailing list, which is open to everyone and that provides information on the training, seminars and opportunities related to children’s culture in the region. 

Pirkkaset Working Group 2023-2024

Children´s culture network is coordinated by a working group which is established in 2007.
The composition of the working group will be updated every two years. Representatives from all municipalities in Pirkanmaa are invited to take part in the activities. The working group is lead by Piia Karkkola, the leading coordinator of children's culture in the city of Tampere, with the help of a working group of municipal representatives.

Members of the working group:

Arttu Pentikäinen - Cultural Coordinator, Hämeenkyrö
Moona Räty - Leisure Activities Coordinator, Juupajoki
Leo Van Aerschot - Cultural Producer, Kangasala
Eeva Markkanen - Special Librarian, Kuhmoinen
Talvikki Torppa - Cultural Producer, Lempäälä
Henriikka Helpiola - Youth Counsellor, Mänttä-Vilppula
Pia Keltti - Cultural Coordinator, Nokia
Pia-Maria Ahonen - Principle of Community College, Orivesi
Elisa Vahosalmi - Leisure Activities Counsellor, Parkano
Anni Riskala - Youth and Cultural worker, Pirkkala
Päivi Paija - hyvinvointisuunnittelija, Punkalaidun
Taina Nieminen - Cultural Secretary, Ruovesi
Mari Immonen - Intendant, Suomen Kirjainstituutti, Sastamala
Piia Karkkola - Leading Coordinator, Tampere
Niina Niiniluoto - Coordinator, Tampere
Tuire Hänninen - Events Coordinator/Tampere Filharmonia, Tampere
Minna Edgren - Head of Department, Valkeakoski
Päivi Rantasalo - Leader of Kindergarten, Vesilahti

Niina Niiniluoto
For more information: Project Manager
050 364 6134

Kulttuuri hallinto

Updated 29.4.2024