The City of Tampere will reduce its energy consumption during the heating season

The City of Tampere is aiming for a five per cent reduction in its energy consumption in the winter season 2022–2023. Tampere has long been investing in energy efficiency. With the measures decided now, the City of Tampere will reduce its own energy consumption and thus strive to fight the threat of energy shortage. Tampere will also participate in the nationwide “Astetta alemmas” campaign (means for exmple one degree lower temperature inside buildings) and prepares for interruptions in electricity distribution.
Satkunnansilta valaistuna iltavalaistuksessa
Tammerkoski Rapids in the evening with street lights

The energy saving measures decided now complement the energy efficiency measures already in progress. In Tampere, energy efficiency requirements have been taken into account, for example, by ensuring that all new buildings comply with the A energy class and striving for a 30 percent improvement in energy efficiency in renovations.  About 65 per cent of the lighting network has already been replaced with an energy-efficient solution and lighting control has been developed. 

Energy-saving measures related to energy shortage were prepared by finding out the energy consumption of the City of Tampere, so that the measures would be as effective as possible. The most energy is used for the heating of buildings and for electricity and outdoor lighting. Tampere will implement several measures to reduce its energy consumption.

Lowering temperatures by approximately 1.5 degrees and optimising ventilation

The temperature of buildings will be lowered by an average of 1.5 degrees, except for buildings, for example, that provide services for the elderly or disabled, or daycare centres where small children play on the floor. Ventilation will be adjusted according to the actual usage times, without impairing indoor air quality.

The duration of the Festival of Light will be shortened, and street lights and landscape lighting will also be reduced

The duration of the Tampere Festival of Light will be shortened. According to current plans, the Festival of Light would end in January. In the past, the Festival of Light has continued until March. The burning times of outdoor lighting in street areas will also be shortened and landscape lighting reduced. 

The temperature limits of outdoor sports fields will be lowered, and there will be fewer saunas heated at indoor swimming pools  

The frost limit for the maintenance heating of outdoor sports fields will be lowered from -10 degrees to -5 degrees , i.e. if the temperature is over five degrees below zero, the fields will no longer be heated. The freezing of the Koulukatu field and Sorsapuisto field, on the other hand, will only be started when the average daily temperature is under +2 degrees. Previously, freezing was started when the temperature was +5 degrees.The use of saunas at indoor swimming pools will be limited so that every other sauna is out of use.

In addition to these measures, the City of Tampere will take part in the “Astetta alemmas” campaign and activate its personnel to participate in voluntary energy saving efforts. Tampere is also preparing for interruptions in electricity distribution in its own operations. 

Further information

Tampereen Tilapalvelut Oy CEO Chief executive officer
Jouni Perttula
City of Tampere Risk Management and Security Manager Riskienhallinta- ja turvallisuusjohtaja
040 196 6512
Text: Anna-Leea Hyry
Photos: Laura Happo
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