Click the picture for the description The Reign of the Samurai:
the Edo Era 1600-1868

After Hideyoshi, power was seized by Tokugawa leyasu, and Japan was again divided into two enemy camps: the supporters and opponents of leyasu. Peace was restored only after Ieyasu had gained a decisive victory over his opponents, and the capital was transferred to Edo (now Tokyo). The shogun administration attempted to reinforce the power of the shogun and Samurai in every way, and Japan isolated itself from the outside world. Society was divided into four classes: the Samurai, the peasants, the craftsmen and the merchants. The task of the Samurai was to guarantee peace and order, and during peacetime, they were divided into soldiers and officials. Samurai status became hereditary, and the sword became the order’s symbol.
1-4. The Evolution of Samurai Tradition


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