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11 November 1995 - 10 March 1996

First there was nothing,
which means a possibility.
Then there was a spot.
When you look at the spot,
you start to see life.
That's how the world is created.

Helsinki 18 September 1995
Outi Heiskanen

The lower floor of the museum showed the exhibition "From Faraway They Look Like Gnats" was intended for kindergarten children and elementary school pupils.

The motif of the exhibition was animals. Artists included Outi Heiskanen and Juhani Harri. They are both storytellers who can look at our daily life in new and different ways. Their animals can be imaginary or real, the big can be small and the small can be big, you can look at them close up or from afar. Animals resemble objects and objects resemble animals.

The core of the exhibition consisted of works by Outi Heiskanen and Juhani Harri from the collection of the Sara Hildén Art Museum. The artists' own works were also displayed.

Both Heiskanen and Harri see the beauty of old objects. That is why they asked children to draw their own animal pictures on the yellowed pages of worn-out books.

The artists asked the museum to send a piece of paper to the children in all kindergartens in Tampere: it was a leaf from an old book, on the edges of which, or on top of the text, the children drew their animal motifs. Outi Heiskanen hung these drawings on a long clothesline and mounted it as part of the exhibition.

The upper floor of the museum presented a sculpture and drawing exhibition from the collection of the Sara Hildén Foundation.

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7,643 visitors attended the exhibition.