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60. BETWEEN A PICTURE AND OBJECTS - ASSEMBLAGES Mysteriously Yours and other assemblages from the Collection of the Sara Hildén Foundation,
18 January - 15 March 1992

The exhibition displayed 29 collages or assemblages by the following artists: Arman, Pierre Buraglio, Christo, Gérald Duchêne, Juhani Harri, Outi Heiskanen, Edward Kienholz, Picasso, Jean Claude Pinchon, Robert Rauschenberg, Martial Raysse, Aarno Salosmaa, Kurt Schwitters, George Segal and Gerald Titus-Carmel.

The exhibition used examples to show how the concept of the picture has detached itself from a two-dimensional surface during this century, and how different materials - paper, labels, tickets and pieces of fabric, etc. - have gradually been accepted in art works. Simultaneously the concept of art and the art object have changed. As early as the 1910's Marcel Duchamp challenged the concept of the art object when he exhibited a commercial bottle-rack and other ready-mades.

Interest in mixed media art grew again at the beginning of the 1960's as post-war economic, technical and social progress got under way and the whole concept of art, among many other things, was questioned. The principles of art changed, and the border between life and art became less distinct. The materialization of art was one way to bring art and life closer to each other. Art forms have multiplied in the 1980's and 90's, and the definition of art is even more difficult.

Aside from its historical importance, the exhibition showed that artistic endeavour can also use other than the traditional methods and techniques of painting and sculpture. The exhibition proved that it is possible to connect everyday objects and materials without prejudice, and that they have a lot to offer the creative imagination.

1992, 92 pages
Sara Hildén Art Museum Publication 50 (Text in Finnish)
ISBN 952-9652-05-4
ISSN 0357-3001
Price FIM 30

2,548 visitors attended the exhibition.