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17 February - 13 April 1980

An exhibition of paintings, drawings and graphic art by Erik Enroth (b. 1917 Helsinki, d. 1975 Helsinki) was held in the museum from 17 February - 13 April. All of the works in the exhibition belong to the collection of the Sara Hildén Foundation. The entire exhibition space on the upper floor of the museum was used for the exhibition.

Enroth was not only a standard-bearer of immense influence in Finnish art, but he was also, to an extraordinary extent, a true pioneer of Expressionism with an intelligent rather than an emotional emphasis. During the 1940's and 1950's his paintings were often regarded as being technically rough compared with artistic taste at the time, and the themes of the works were startling to an audience used to a more conventional type of message.

There was a two-fold objective both in choosing and in hanging the works. On the one hand, there was a desire to shed light on Enroth's artistic development and his accompanying stylistic changes. The emphasis was therefore primarily chronological, following the stylistic trends marked by Enroth's large-scale solo exhibitions of 1948, 1951, 1953 and 1955. On the other hand, there was also an endeavour to find features in his works which could be regarded as characteristically "Enrothian", in order to emphasize Enroth's position as a representative of Expressionist, figurative art, who, as a fighter, as a firm believer in his work and his vocation, as one who loved to mock philistines and superficiality, and as one who, with his incorruptible artistic personality, became one of the most important sources of inspiration for the young generation of artists.

The exhibition comprised a total of 104 works from 1940-60, and the works were displayed in a way that gave a chronological survey of Erik Enroth's oeuvre. The exhibition also included photographs, selections from Erik Enroth's writings, as well as objects that Enroth had used in his still lifes, and newspaper reviews of Enroth's exhibitions. There were also examples of Enroth's illustrations for books.


Paintings, drawings and graphic art by Erik Enroth in the collection of the Sara Hildén Foundation
1980, 48 pages
Sara Hildén Art Museum Publication 3 (Text in Finnish and English)
ISSN 0357-3001
Price FIM 10

The exhibition was attended by 11,399 visitors.